
четверг, 13 августа 2009 г.

ATI и Ubuntu 9.04. Установка проприетарных драйверов.

С выходом новой версии Ubuntu (9.04 Jaunty Jackalope) перестали поддерживаться видеокарточки ATI: ATI Radeon 9500-9800, X300-X2100, Xpress и другие. Полный список здесь.

Старый драйвер ATI (до версии 9.3) не будет работать, так как не поддерживает xorg-xserver 1.6. Новый драйвер откажется работать, так как не поддерживает саму видеокарту. Единственный способ использования старых драйверов – это «даунгрейд» X-сервера. Сделать это не сложно:

Внимание! Потребуется соединение с Интернетом!

Для начала сделаем backup “sources.list”:

sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak

Теперь открываем оригинальный “sources.list” и меняем все репозитории jaunty на репозитории intrepid. Это легко сделать с помощью Gedit.

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

С помощью Gedit заменяем все имеющиеся слова jaunty на intrepid.

Далее в терминале пишем:

sudo apt-get update

Удаляем Х-сервер:

sudo apt-get autoremove xserver-xorg

Теперь можно приступать к переустановке X-сервера и установке ATI драйвера:

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg fglrx-amdcccle fglrx-kernel-source xorg-driver-fglrx libdrm2=2.3.1-0build1

Когда установка закончится, откройте Менеджер пакетов Synaptic и заблокируйте (Пакет > Заблокировать версию) текущие версии пакетов (все пакеты можно найти поиском), чтобы они больше не обновлялись:

xserver-xorg*, fglrx*, xorg-driver-fglrx, libdrm2

Убедитесь, что заблокированы все пакеты. Их 45.

Следующий, заключительный шаг, замена “sources.list” на оригинальный:

sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.bak /etc/apt/sources.list


После перезагрузки убедитесь, что новый драйвер задействован (Администрирование > Драйверы устройств). Если драйвер не активен, задействуйте его и снова перезагружаемся.

Тестировалось на видеокарте ATI Radeo 9600.


Оригинальный текст (на всякий случай):

With the newest realease of Ubuntu (9.04 Jaunty Jackalope) came a major problem with support for older ATI graphics cards. Though these cards work with generic drivers, the ability to use dual heads and more advanced configurations has been lost. You may think that you can simply head over to AMD’s ATI driver page and get a driver, but the latest version of Catalyst does not support the older cards. “Maybe I can just download an older version of the driver,” might be what you are thinking, but the old driver is not compatible with the new version of xserver that is included with Ubuntu Jaunty.

The only way to use the old driver is to downgrade your xserver, which is actually not too hard. As long as you have an internet connection and some terminal skills, you are set.

WARNING: Running commands as root (using sudo or su) can potentially damage your operating system. Be sure to CAREFULLY read EVERYTHING. Only proceed with these steps if you are confident with what you are doing.

First off we will want to backup your current “sources.list” (the file that contains all of the repository information), so simply run the command:
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak
Now, we will open up the original “sources.list” file and set it all back to the intrepid repositories. This can easily be done with Gedit’s replace tool. You can, of course, use any other text editor. To open the file in Gedit, just type the following into a terminal.
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
In gedit, simply select the word “jaunty” anywhere in the file and click on “Replace” on the tool bar. When the dialogue box comes up, type “intrepid” into the box labeled “Replace With:” and click “Find” then “Replace All”

After replacing “jaunty”, save the file and close out of Gedit (or what ever text editor you used), and go back to a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get update
Once the repositories are updated, make sure all ATI drivers are uninstalled.

Now we will uninstall the current version of the xserver using the following command.
sudo apt-get autoremove xserver-xorg gnome-session fast-user-switch-applet
This may take a minute or so. After it completes, we will reinstall the xserver and also install the ATI drivers.
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg fglrx-amdcccle fglrx-kernel-source xorg-driver-fglrx libdrm2=2.3.1-0build1 gnome-session fast-user-switch-applet=2.24.0-0ubuntu6
When everything is finished installing, you will want to open up Synaptic Package Manager and lock all of the xserver-xorg*, fglrx*, xorg-driver-fglrx, libdrm2, gnome-session, and fast-user-switch-applet packages at their current version. This is done by selecting the package then going to the “Package” menu and clicking on “Lock Version”. You can also do this in the terminal by running:
sudo su
echo 'package-name hold' | dpkg --set-selections
Make sure to repeat the last command for each package that was installed by the previous commands. (This should total to about 47 packages or so.)

Once all of the xserver and ATI driver packages have been locked, run
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.bak /etc/apt/sources.list
and restart your computer.

EDIT 06/05/09: After you restart, make sure to go to the Hardware Drivers manager under the “System” menu: Administration > Hardware Drivers and enable that ATI driver and reboot again. (Thanks Nicholas)

EDIT 07/15/09: I have added the 3D fix suggested in the comments. (Thanks Dario)

EDIT 07/25/09: I have also added the fix for the CPU problem that was suggested. (Thanks Flávio)

EDIT 08/04/09: I have once again added a user submitted fix for the Fast User Switcher. (Thanks Shaun)

ATI Radeon 9600 и телевизор (по S-video)

xrandr --output S-video --set load_detection 1
xrandr --output S-video --auto

xrandr --output S-video --off

(Графическая оболочка grandr есть в репах)

Compiz ON/OFF "одной кнопкой"

Такой плагин есть для compiz-fusion и он уже включен в репозитории Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install fusion-icon