Amazon EC2 Linux servers does not come with GUI, all the operations have to be done using ssh client like putty. So if you wish to have a GUI for your amazon Linux instances, you can make it pretty easily. Once you installed the GUI essentials on your server, you can use it via windows remote desktop client. If you are using Linux , then you can use VNC viewer as a remote desktop client. In order to have a GUI a light weight lxde desktop has to be installed on your server.
Step 1: Connect to server using ssh client putty.
Step 2: Make sure that RDP port is enabled on the ubuntu instance in which you are going to install lxde. Update the server and install lxde using the following commands.
Step 3: Once lxde is installed on your server , start the ldxe using the following command
Step 4: Install xrdp to set up a remote desktop connection since you can’t have a GUI using putty. Use the following command to install xrdp
Step 5: Set a password for the default user “ubuntu” ,since remote desktop connection requires username and password.
Не забудьте открыть rdp port (TCP 3389) for inbound connection в настройках Security Group!
For Windows Users:
Step 6: Start the windows remote desktop client and enter the public DNS or the elastic ip of your server instance and hit connect.
Step 7: Enter the user name and password of the server instance and hit ok as shown below.
For Linux (Ubuntu) Users:
Step 6: Install VNC Viewer
Step 7: run it via terminal by issuing the command:
or via applications by search for “Remote Desktop Viewer”
Step 8: Enter ip and make sure to select protocol ad RDP from “protocol list”, then click “connect” button
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